A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... (okay so actually it was just six years ago and in a different state) I designed a whole bunch of LEGO Star Wars character patterns. The reason for that was my son was turning six and he was (and still is) a mad keen Star Wars fan. He had (still has) all the LEGO, the games, the movies... and the LEGO ones were his favourite.
I turned the blocks into a throw quilt (shown above). Then unpicked all the quilting and added larger borders to make it a bed quilt. He slept under that quilt for a good five years. I may or may not have insisted on it, given that it has over 65 hours of work in it, I expected to get a good return on it ;)
You can read about the process back on my old blog, when I wrote about it, back when I was young and full of hope and dreams haha. The quilt has held up pretty well but given the amount of cat hair it now contains, I haven't taken any updated photos. So please enjoy the original photos I took at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney in their space exhibition. Doesn't everyone take quilts to museums?!
So I hear you saying "Why are you on about a 6 year old quilt now, and rehashing these old pics?" Well dear reader, because over the past year since the Craftsy debacle (when they removed indie designer patterns and it was a great shemozzle), I've gotten numerous requests for these patterns to be listed once again.
And it's finally happened. I have listed all the character patterns in my shop. Oh and yes, they're still free. At the time of designing, I wrote to the LEGO group for permission to share these patterns. It was granted under the condition they are not for profit, and they are for personal use only. Along with me making these patterns free downloads... this means you can't make something with this pattern and sell it.
So if you're one of those people waiting for these patterns to resurface, you can pop on over to my shop at payhip.com/quietplay and find a whole bunch of these as freebies, and also some other not-freebie patterns that are just as fun ;)
Please note the patterns are for the individual characters. Quilt pattern is not included. I made this so long ago, I don't have the cutting instructions for it anymore. But get creative and put together the blocks in your own version - it'll be fabulous ;)
Happy sewing, and you know I gotta say it... May the force be with you.
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